Term life insurance no exam necessary.These days, it appears that, everyone wants to buy term life insurance.
This is by no means unusual, nor is this a surprise.
The new idea is that many people are opting to buy their policies online, without doing the usual medical.
What foresight some life insurance companies have!
The idea of buying your term insurance policies this way makes great sense to me. After all, it can really be tricky to have an examiner and an applicant get together for an examination.
What would happen to your family if you died? Would they have sufficient income to live on? Life Insurance is the solution. No Exam needed, just a few health questions. Quality Term Life Insurance. Coverage In Minutes, if you qualify-Find The Right Plan For You and Get A Free Quote Now
Term Life Insurance No Exam Required
When I was in the field selling life insurance getting the client to buy the policy was the easy part. People wisely want to protect their loved ones if they should die. The big problem was getting that medical examination done.
It is not that they didn’t want to do it but simply that some people were afraid of what the examiner would discover during the test. Additionally, in many instances, the applicant just didn’t have the time. As a result that policy may never go in force…
Insurance companies have found a way around that. They ask the non medical questions online and if you qualify you get your policy. There are certain limitations though. The usual investigation is done.
They check out your medical history, they check to find out if you engage in a hazardous occupation or avocation. If everything is OK you get your policy…
The limitations vary between carriers but, usually, if you are between age 18 and age 65, and you are in good health, you can qualify for term insurance online.
One company limits the amount you can get to $150,000 and another to $400,000. In very unusual cases there are companies that will issue up to $1,000,000 coverage to younger applicants.
Term life insurance no exam is the latest craze…these policies are selling like hot bread. Isn’t that just great? There is no longer any reason to postpone protecting your family.